Join our Mission Sisterhood Project

Welcome to our blog! We're glad you're here!! We are the girls from Girl Scout troop 61146. We're on a mission to join everyone together in sisterhood. Join our journey!!

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Confidence: Part 2

    Confidence is such a tricky thing. We assume that everyone else is more confident than we are, and why that? We see our insecurities and think everyone sees them and judges us for them, but in reality that's not true.  For me personally, I feel that my insecurities are so obvious that everyone sees them. Sometimes I feel like when I walk out of the house people just stare at me because of these hideous things about me, but the truth is that no one cares about or notices your insecurities. Despite how they may feel, insecurities aren't a huge flashing neon sign that follows you around for everyone to see. They're all in your head. Others are probably too wrapped up worrying about their own insecurities to notice yours. Once you stop constantly worrying about this I promise you that you'll feel more confident. 

Remember: EVERYONE struggles with their own insecurities. Just know that what ever you're struggling with you're not alone. 

-Natalie :)

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Happiness is Jam

As you may have guessed, my part of this blog will be promoting happiness.  This topic, like confidence, self-esteem, and so many others, can mean a multitude of things to different people.  

To one, it may mean you're in a place with a lot of people, and you just get to talk.

To another, it might mean that you are playing your favorite sport.  

And to yet another, it could mean you get to relax and do absolutely nothing.  

I really liked this quote because it shows how it is utterly impossible to make others happy without making yourself happy first.  This is such a prevalent issue because so many people just want to please others around them, and they completely forget to focus on themselves.  

Now, I'm not saying that you should only care about yourself.  No.  I just want to remind you that you are important and it's good to remember that in everyday life.  

See you in a month!
Annika <3

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Simple Acts Of Kindness

Simple Acts Of Kindness
Hey guys, it's Francesca. This door represents what may be keeping us from showing simple acts of kindness to others. By this I mean that there may be something keeping us from showing these small acts. This thing, this door holding us back, might just very well be fear. Maybe you're afraid that the person you are trying to reach out to may reject you, or that this act may cost you you're reputation and you're friends at school will end up making fun of you. So, whatever you're fear may be stand up to it, open the door that is keeping you from spreading kindness. If you do those same friends that you thought would make fun of you will probably see what you are doing and will want to join you and help you make an impact. So, the next time you see someone sitting alone or being made fun of, don't think about what others will say, instead think about the huge difference you can make in that person's life just by simply being kind to them. Don't be afraid to step outside you're door and make a difference. After all that is what sisterhood is all about.